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One of retirees’ primary concerns is running short of funds in retirement.  Would you have increased peace of mind if you had a 90% chance of having a sufficient nest egg through your retirement?

Smart planning includes preparing a retirement investment and cash flow plan that can be modified and monitored regularly to make sure you are in good shape. The illustration above describes a process we share with clients to provide them with a perspective regarding your fears of running out of money.

Our comprehensive planning includes a cash flow analysis for your Needs vs. your Wishes vs. your aspirational special Wishes.   The process uses probability analysis known as a Monte Carlo review to determine the chances of your plan’s success over the long term.

The review also includes income tax and gift planning, Social Security planning, healthcare planning, and performance forecasts of your entire investment portfolio.  This process helps ensure your golden years are happy and secure.

Please contact our office for more information.

We offer a complimentary meeting to discuss your questions and plans.